Marketing Monday - 9/9/2019

Good morning, and Happy Marketing Monday! According to the vast majority of people working full-time in voice over, they spend at least 50% of their working time on marketing. Here’s what I have on tap this week:

A note here: I typically don’t copy and past the exact same headline for the same post across different platforms, as people are in different mindsets when on those platforms; i.e. I’ll write differently for LinkedIn then I will on Instagram.

  • Prospecting: this never stops. I have a list of search terms that I’m always tweaking, and plugging that into Google and LinkedIn. All I’m doing right now is gathering intel. I’m not reaching out to anyone yet, and I won’t until I get my demos produced. I will, however, start following them on their public social sites (like Twitter) and start interacting with them. That way when the time comes to reach out to them about work, they will (hopefully) know who I am. I’m playing the long game here.

  • Still playing with TikTok. Gary Vaynerchuck is very bullish on the platform right now, and the smart money is saying to follow his lead. I started producing 30 second improvs where I voice two different characters, and this has been getting some decent reactions. I’m going to be making a post about TikTok specifically in the very near future, maybe even this week.

  • There’s no Team X this month, so I won’t be doing much on the marketing for new stuff, but I will continue to post about it to maintain interest. Can’t allow a hiatus to let interest drop.

  • We’re less than a month out from a third podcast that I’m producing with a friend, “Vikings and Saints”, making it’s premiere (we just recorded the first two episodes last night and I’m editing Episode 1 today and tomorrow), so I’m going to be building out the marketing plan for that premiere this week.

That’s it! Well, all of this, and recording for Shami Stovall’s project, plus an ongoing project for other audiobooks, and of course, auditioning. I’d say I have a pretty full plate.

What are your marketing plans this week?